Install Cinnamon 3.6.3 in CentOS 7.4 1708 using EPEL-Testing repo

After being a long-time Debian user, for some reason I’ve been going all-in for CentOS lately.  It started after I installed it as a virtualization platform with KVM on an E3 server.  I just love how stable and methodically planned it is.

I’ve probably gone a little too far, as I’ve also installed it on my Thinkpad x220 Laptop.  It’s definitely not much of a desktop OS – its packages are stable but they’re OLD.  But, I guess my laptop is old, too, and I still love both of them.  They work awesome together.

To avoid being too bored by its aged userland, I decided to breathe new life into the desktop experience by installing a new version of Cinnamon.  After poking around the Wiki for a few days, totally by accident, I noticed EPEL has a testing branch for packages that are pre-release.  A little repo package list inspection, and I noticed the pre-release version of Cinnamon they’re working on currently is 3.6.3 (!)

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