Month: June 2020

  • PowerBash eases some discomfort of adjusting to PowerShell for Linux users

    OK, I just stumbled across the coolest thing. Occasionally I use PowerShell because it’s the easiest way to get batch processes accomplished on a Windows computer, or sometimes the only way to implement a feature (e.g. making folders case-sensitive to avoid naming conflicts when syncing with nix computers). But it’s always a bit of a…

  • Add podman controller to cockpit on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

    I am heartened to see podman becoming more comfortable on Ubuntu, since although I’m excited about a lot of the software coming from RHEL’s massive portfolio of acquisitions, I still prefer Ubuntu’s support length and update schedule, and find its commands and structure more familiar. But what about the accessories that are available for podman?…

  • Getting touchpad scroll to work in VMWare Workstation

    So, I develop using NodeJS, and I use Windows. Anyone who uses both together and has used Linux as a dev platform has probably realized the Windows version is a little lackluster and has edge configuration issues that make it a pain. So I was setting up a dev environment on an ESXi host so…

  • Building required VMWare Workstation Kernel Modules Ubuntu ** updated for Secure Boot **

    VMWare Workstation on Ubuntu requires another step to run. Sometimes the installer will install the kernel modules it requires in the installer, other times it won’t. There’s another step to the setup after running the installer that might as well be documented as part of the installation process. It’s compiling kernel extensions for vmmon and…

  • ESXi 6.7 – Forcefully Removing a Phantom NFS Share

    Interesting thing happened to me today. I had to do some work on one of my ESXi 6.7 hosts, so I powered it off (which is something I rarely ever do). I had just done some static configuration of ipv6 on my domain controllers, provisioned DNSSEC, etc. so I was playing with a relatively recently…