Re-Branding Coming Soon to a Blog Near You


Blog characters superimposed over an illustration of the metamorphosis process
All good things must come to an end

When I started blogging about tech over 10 years ago, it was originally meant to be a place to keep instructions so I wouldn’t forget how to do some of the more complicated things I’d waded through the morass of figuring out. Then, it came to be more of a place to try and help people tackle weird edge cases I had encountered, and didn’t know where solutions could be found anywhere else.

Now, it’s just kind of fun to write about things I think are neat, and not getting enough attention other places. But while I’ve changed, it’s changed, and I thought it would be more applicable for it to have some re-branding, as I’ve gotten to be more of a grey-bearded curmudgeon, naturally adherent to threadbare values and principles, than a curious monkey deriving uproarious hilarity in the flinging of feces.

Therefore, I’m going through a very long, arduous process of re-branding the blog. Probably pretty slowly, over time, since there’s a lot of moving pieces, and I don’t have any help (it’s not like this blog makes any money). I’ve already got another domain that points here thanks to Cloudflare registrar (Cloudflare is awesome), and it’s, to celebrate my new curmudgeony get off my lawn attitude, one I’ve acquired through the natural process of age solidifying opinions *(facts?).

Tweet of Trump not knowing who is mowning whitehouse lawn
We all get a little older eventually (hopefully)

It doesn’t really mean all that much will change, other than the name and perhaps the theme or layout. For instance, I’ve been meaning to look into using React for my theme for a few years now, while my principle of keeping things simple has a knife fight in an alleyway with my other principle of “woah, that would be awesome!”). In practice, keeping things simple is winning, since my theme is still the unmodified WP default from 2016 (see? I’m a curmudgeon. Some old things are correct).

So it’s possible stuff might start to look different, weird, perhaps even broken (hopefully not broken) for a little while, and I just wanted to give people a heads up. Not that there’s many of you, but I do want to show respect for anyone who actually does land here when their search of, “how do I do this weird, undocumented thing nobody talks about” is prescient enough to find my blog. I’ll probably keep both names indefinitely, so don’t worry about updating your bookmarks too quickly, will still point here for at least a few more years.

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