The Power of `pv /dev/$DISK_DEVICE | zstd -0f > image.zst`

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Blowing up old myths about using compression for disk images

I’ve been making these images of my hard drives using fsarchiver for about 6 months, and one of the most amazing things I’ve discovered through all of it is how tiny .raw.zst images get when you run them through a compression library, whether it’s compressing them or not.

Case in point: I way oversized my EFI partition to 2GB on another computer running Arch so I could mess around with unified kernels more easily (fact check: they’re awesome), but I was taking raw images of EFI and it was “supposed” to be 2GB uncompressed, right? Well, piping it through zstd with ZERO compression actually got it down all the way to 541K. Not 541MB. 541K!

It’s because the library’s algorithm automatically removes all the zeros, so any space that isn’t used is not allocated, and you’re left with only used blocks.

Observe the following tests a relatively fresh install of ZFS-Buntu 24.04:

# show our efi partition
lsblk | grep efi
  nvme1n1p1            259:2    0     1G  0 part /boot/efi
# check out the disk usage of the efi partition
dust -d 0 /boot/efi
6.1M ┌── efi│███████████████████████████████████████████  100%

# create a raw file from the efi partition:
pv /dev/nvme1n1p1 > efi.raw

1.05GiB 0:00:00 [1.35GiB/s] [============================>] 100%     

# create a raw file from efi, but through zstd, uncompressed 
pv /dev/nvme1n1p1 | zstd -0f > efi.raw.zst

1.05GiB 0:00:00 [1.98GiB/s] [============================>] 100%            

# where's our files?
ls -1

# check out the disk usage of our new files
317K   ┌── efi.raw.zst│█████                               7%
3.9M   ├── efi.raw    │█████████████████████████████       93%
4.2M ┌─┴ .            │█████████████████████████████████  100%

The zst archive is literally 8% the size of the raw volume image, despite NOT USING ANY COMPRESSION (that’s the -0 flag). The other amazing thing is that pv is reporting it completed 68% faster, as well.

Note, this is not unique to any compression algorithm, per se, but an artifact of compression, that it removes zero-blocks from disk images.

So next time you make some disk images, run your image through at least a | zstd -0 > file.img – It may be a good deal faster while saving you a boatload of space.

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