How to fix 3d rendering for a Windows guest in VMWare Workstation 11 Ubuntu 14.10 host

How to fix 3d rendering for a Windows guest in VMWare Workstation 11 Ubuntu 14.10 host

Hi all!

Getting a message when you start your Windows guest in VMWare Workstation 11 hosted by Ubuntu 14.10?

I was, and I had a little trouble finding a fix, until finally it worked!  it’s simply a matter of upgrading to the latest OpenGL drivers in Ubuntu.

To install open a terminal window and enter
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
To remove, you can use ppa-purge
sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
sudo ppa-purge ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers

Now when you start your Windows guest, it should no longer complain about 3D acceleration!

That’s it!  If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reply!

Author: Avery Freeman

MBA / Audio Engineering alumnus enjoys taking adjunct courses in data sciences, management, and software development. Passionate about collaboratively improving humanity through open source information ecosystems. Tenaciously solves problems of near-universally intolerable tediousness. Proficient in SQL, Python, Javascript, has forgotten SAS, and misses OpenSolaris. Eminently effervescent about Unix-like operating systems and software defined networks, including an unmistakable urge to Berkeley packet filter all the things. Fanatically fond of zfs and linux volume manager. Has lived in Tokyo, SF, Oakland, and now Seattle. Can't forget cooking, hiking, gardening, and playing with your cat.

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